5.0 Polar Bear Conservation Status and Research Efforts - PBSG Update

Presentation Title: IUCN/Polar Bear Specialist Group 1968 – 2018
Summary: The International Union for the Conservation of Nature/Species Survival Commission (IUCN/SSC) Polar Bear Specialist Group (PBSG) provided an overview of the conservation status of polar bears throughout the circumpolar Arctic and gave updates on research efforts at national and international levels. In response to a request from the Range States, the PBSG also identified priorities for multi-lateral research action over the next 2 years to best address knowledge and conservation needs for polar bears. The areas identified by the PBSG are: update subpopulation abundance estimates; subpopulation delineation; long-term monitoring in high Arctic subpopulations; and sea ice habitat use/selection.

File Name: 5.0_Vongraven_Conservation_status_reseach_efforts_PBSG_update.pdf
Category: Presentations and Meeting Documents
File Size: 711.09 KB
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 4308 Hits
Created Date: 02-22-2018
Last Updated Date: 03-29-2025

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