2018-2020 Implementation Plan

DSC 1139 crop edi smalltPhoto credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceThe 2018-2020 2-Year Implementation Plan was adopted at the 2018 Meeting of the Parties (MoP) to the Agreement in Fairbanks, Alaska, USA. Progress on the 2018-2020 Plan was reported at the 2020 MoP in Norway. 




2018-2020 Implementation Plan Overview (click on table to view the document in a pop-up window)

2018 2020 Implementation Plan

2018-2020 Implementation Plan Progress Reports 
(Click on the icon to view the overall progress report. Report sections for each Action are provided in the relevant sections below)

  List of Objectives and associated Actions of the CAP 2018 - 2020 implementation plan:
(The Actions were not directly associated with the CAP Objectives in the original 2015-2025 CAP. The categorization of the Actions by Objectives presented below is based on the Mid-Term Review report in 2020; Annex_4_Fate_of_Previous_Actions and Annex_5_Rank_and_timing_of_actions).

* Objective-7 was added to the Circumpolar Action Plan in 2020.

 List of other Actions of the CAP 2018 - 2020 implementation plan**:

* The 'other' Actions have a general connection to the CAP and cannot be associated with a specific Objective. The categorization applied in this list follows the categories used in the original CAP.   (Source: Table of CAP Actions in original CAP (Annex 3) (2015). See also Mid-Term Review report (2020); MTR report Annex_4_Fate_of_Previous_Actions and MTR report Annex_5_Rank_and_timing_of_actions).

Navigation to CAP Objectives, Actions and Deliverables across Implementation Plan periods

29664357826 a16700399f o Mario Hoppmann PromoPhoto credit: Mario Hoppmann/Flickr.com

Overview of CAP Implementation and revisions

Photo credit: USFWS

All Circumpolar Action Plan documents:

Photo: Dr. Pablo Clemente Colon NOAA National Ice Center/Flickr.com


Member state contacts

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