Objective 4 (2023-2025)
Ensure that harvest of polar bear subpopulations is managed in a biologically sustainable manner in accordance with sound conservation practices
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Objective 4 (2020-2023)
Ensure that harvest of polar bear subpopulations is managed in a biologically sustainable manner in accordance with sound conservation practices -
HM-A1, A2, A3 - Polar Bear Harvest Actions (2020-2023)
- HM-A1 - Define the components necessary for a “quantitative assessment of the population”
- HM-A2 - Define “biologically sustainable harvest” in terms of conserving polar bear subpopulations for future generations
- HM-A3 - Define the components of a “demonstrated sustainable harvest management regime”
Summary of the Actions:
The harvest management actions included in the 2020-2023 action plan will jointly result in a white paper that identifies the components necessary to define a quantitative assessment of the population (HM-A1), biologically sustainable harvest (HM-A2), and a demonstrated sustainable harvest management regime (HM-A3). This suite of actions lays the groundwork for consistent assessments of harvest management regimes across the circumpolar arctic. In order to determine if harvest is sustainable in a given subpopulation, we first need to establish consistent definitions of the basic components needed to carry out an analysis. These actions provide the first step needed in this process. By ensuring that harvest is managed in a sustainable manner, we will contribute directly to the vision of the CAP (to secure the long-term persistence of polar bears in the wild that represents the genetic, behavioral, life-history, and ecological diversity of the species) by minimizing the threat of overharvest. The definitions outlined in the white paper will create a foundation for the implementation of harvest management actions in subsequent year
Action Leads:
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2018-2020 Implementation Plan
Photo credit: U.S. Fish and Wildlife ServiceThe 2018-2020 2-Year Implementation Plan was adopted at the 2018 Meeting of the Parties (MoP) to the Agreement in Fairbanks, Alaska, USA. Progress on the 2018-2020 Plan was reported at the 2020 MoP in Norway.
2018-2020 Implementation Plan Overview (click on table to view the document in a pop-up window)
2018-2020 Implementation Plan Progress Reports
(Click on the icon to view the overall progress report. Report sections for each Action are -
2015-2017 CAP Implementation Plan
Progress on the 2015-2017 2-Year Implementation Plan was reported in November 2017 and is summarized below. The full report and individual reports can be found below.
2015-2017 Implementation Plan Overview (click on table to view the document in a pop-up window)
2015-2017 Implementation Plan Progress Reports
(Click on the icon to view the overall progress report. Report sections for each Action are provided in the relevant sections below)
List of Objectives and associated Actions of the CAP 2015 - 2027 implementation