Implementation Plan, 2023-2025

Circumpolar Action PlanThe detailed plans of each objective and associated actions in the 2023-2025 Implementation Plan are presented on this web-site and the relevant sub-sites. Progress of the Plan will be presented on these sites in due course. 


The overarching vision of the 2015-2025 Circumpolar Action Plan is:

To secure the long-term persistence of polar bears in the wild that represent the genetic, behavioral, life-history and ecological diversity of the species.

In order to realize the vision, the Range States have developed seven key objectives and actions designed to meet the key objectives. The 2023-2025 Implementation Plan addresses four of the seven objectives that will be met through the implementation of 10 actions.

List of Objectives and Actions of the CAP 2023 - 2025 Implementation Plan:


2023-2025 Implementation Plan Dashboard - Status overview of actions' deliverables and milestones (click on image below to download the dashboard)


Navigation to CAP Objectives, Actions and Deliverables across Implementation Plan periods

29664357826 a16700399f o Mario Hoppmann PromoPhoto credit: Mario Hoppmann/

Overview of CAP Implementation and revisions

Photo credit: USFWS

All Circumpolar Action Plan documents:

Photo: Dr. Pablo Clemente Colon NOAA National Ice Center/


Member state contacts

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