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Action CCC-A4:
Post and maintain key information related to the Climate Change Communications Strategy on the Polar Bear Range States website.

Summary of the Action: 

Use the Polar Bear Range States website as a platform for communicating the key messages from the Climate Change Communications Strategy, and sharing information related to communications channels (e.g., climate change conferences, social media, etc.) that the PBRS have used to disseminate information from the Strategy.

Action Lead: 

Lauren Schmuck (Environment and Climate Change Canada, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


The Polar Bear Range States and the Climate Change Communications Working Group (see here)


Duration of action:
November 2023 - October 2025

Deliverables (output):

  • D1. A webpage on the Polar Bear Range States website containing the five key messages of the Climate Change Communications Strategy. Each of the individual messages associated with the key messages are also listed.

  • D2. Examples of polar bear conservation and management that pertain to each of the five key messages of the Climate Change Communications Strategy, and website links where they exist, are posted on the Polar Bear Range States website as they become available.

Expected impact/ outcome:

  1. The number of visitors to the PBRS website, and the number of notifications posted on the PBRS website which showcase the communications opportunities that the PBRS have used to share the key messages of the Strategy, will increase.
  2. The key messages (and the associated individual messages) of the Climate Change Communications Strategy are reaching an audience external to the Polar Bear Range States.

Member state contacts

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