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Action CCC-A5:
Enter into climate change communications partnerships with organizations that have targeted audiences and strong public reach

Summary of the Action: 

The PBRS collaborated with external organizations that have targeted audiences and strong public reach to develop the Climate Change Communications Strategy. During the 2023-25 implementation period, the PBRS will enter into (formal) partnerships with these organizations to help share the key messages of the Climate Change Communications Strategy with these audiences.

Action Leads: 

Lauren Schmuck (Environment and Climate Change Canada, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


The Polar Bear Range States and the Climate Change Communications Working Group (see here)


Duration of action:
January 2024 - December 2025

Deliverables/ output:

  • D1. A report detailing a high-level overview of the climate change communication partnerships that the Range States have entered with external organizations, and what those partnerships entail.

  • D2. An assessment of the partnership and the climate change communication activities carried out through them, considering their success and effectiveness in terms of strengthening the climate change communication efforts


Expected impact/ outcome:

  1. The Polar Bear Range States have entered into climate change communication partnerships with organizations that have targeted audiences and strong public reach.

  2. The five key messages of the Climate Change Communications Strategy, and other relevant climate change communications, have reached the target audiences of the organizations that the Polar Bear Range States have partnered with.


Member state contacts

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