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Action CCC-A6:
Communicate key messages to the public

Summary of the Action: 

The PBRS will work with external organizations that are members of the Climate Change Communications Working Group to communicate the key messages of the Climate Change Communications Strategy. This will include both the PBRS and external partners identifying events, conferences, special days, and other opportunities for communicating these key messages, and taking advantage of these opportunities.

Action Leads: 

Lauren Schmuck (Environment and Climate Change Canada, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)


The Polar Bear Range States and the Climate Change Communications Working Group (see here)

Duration of action:
January 2023 - December 2025

Deliverables (output):

  • D1. A report detailing the events, conferences, special days, and other opportunities during which the five key messages of the Climate Change Communications Strategy were shared, and a list of which specific messages were shared.

Expected impact/outcome:

  1. The five key messages of the Climate Change Communications Strategy have been communicated by the Polar Bear Range States and the organizations that are members of the Climate Change Communications Working Group during different events, conferences, special days, and other opportunities.

Member state contacts

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