Implementation and modifications of the 2015-2025 Circumpolar Action Plan.


Overview of the CAP implementation and revisions after the Mid term review in 2020 
(Click on the diagram to open the overview for all Actions.  Links to Implementation Plans and Actions is provided in the document)

CAP implementationThe horizontal dotted lines indicate the fate of Actions from the original CAP (2015-2020) in the revised CAP (2020-2025) based on reccomendations in the Mid Term Review report from 2020.


  List of Actions in the original 2015-2025 CAP not included in the revised CAP in 2020*:
The Actions not included in the revised CAP were completed, considered more suitable for implementing at domestic or bilateral level, or reccomended to be postponed until beyond 2025.

* The categorization of the Actions follow the categories used in the original CAP

(Source: Table of CAP Actions in original CAP (Annex III) (2015),   Mid-Term Review report (2020); MTR report Annex_4_Fate_of_Previous_Actions and MTR report Annex_5_Rank_and_timing_of_actions) (See also lists of Actions below).


2015-2025 Circumpolar Action Plan - Table of Actions (original CAP from 2015)
(List of Actions in the original CAP from 2015 (Annex III). This list was applied in the 2015-2017 and 2018-2020 Implemenation Plans)
(click on the table to view the document in a pop-up window)

2015-2025 CAP Annex III: Summary Table of Bilateral and Multilateral Actions to Address Threats


Revised Circumpolar Action Plan - Table of Actions (revised CAP from 2020)
(Mid Term Review report, Annex 2: Final Objective Templates. This list was applied in the 2020-2023 and 2023-2025 Implemenation Plans)
(click on the text box below to view the document in a pop-up window)

2015-2025 CAP Annex III: Summary Table of Bilateral and Multilateral Actions to Address Threats


Navigation to CAP Objectives, Actions and Deliverables across Implementation Plan periods

29664357826 a16700399f o Mario Hoppmann PromoPhoto credit: Mario Hoppmann/

All Circumpolar Action Plan documents:

Photo: Dr. Pablo Clemente Colon NOAA National Ice Center/


Member state contacts

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