
Final report of CAP Action-3 for the 2015-2017 Implementation Plan period.

The Action was modified after the Mid-term-review in 2020 to the Objective-3 actions:

  • H-A1: The PBSG will be asked to define categories of essential polar bear habitat and then compile existing information to generate an inventory of essential habitat by the categories (and identify gaps in existing information).
  • EH-A5: In each biennial report, the PBSG will be asked to provide an inventory of essential habitat by the categories identified previously by the PBSG.
File Name: Action_3_2017Nov24.pdf
File Size: 135.32 KB
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 4088 Hits
Created Date: 12-11-2017
Last Updated Date: 11-30-2017

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