Inclusion of Indigenous Traditional Ecological Knowledge (ITEK) in the PBRS as part of the ITEK WG

 ITEK Objective Leads


Caroline Ladanowski (Environment and Climate Change Canada, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Amalie Jessen (Ministry of Fisheries and Hunting, Greenland, Amalie This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Actions associated with ITEK Objective in the 2023-2025 biennieal period

(see top-left sidebar for further information on the actions)

ITEK-1: Maintain a compendium and schedule of ITEK studies.

ITEK-2: Complete a review and analysis to identify potential approaches to enhance implementation of Polar Bear Range States commitments to inclusion of Indigenous knowledge and participation of Indigenous peoples and provide recommendations.

ITEK-3: Prepare an ITEK knowledge synthesis on recent ITEK research.


Polar Bear threats linked to the Objective and how the Objective’s Actions will address them: 

Seven key threats have been identified as already impacting, or most likely to have an impact on the polar bear and its habitat during the lifetime of the Range States Circumpolar Action Plan (2015-2025). These threats are: climate change, human-caused mortality, mineral and energy resource exploration and development, contaminants and pollution, shipping, tourism related activities, and diseases and parasites. The threats may interact and have compound effects, so consideration should also be given to the cumulative impacts. The 2013 Declaration of the Responsible Ministers of the Polar Bear Ranges States recognizes “the importance and value of Traditional Ecological Knowledge in informing management decisions and the need for the Range States to develop a common understanding of what constitutes Traditional Ecological Knowledge and how it should be used in polar bear management decisions.”  As such, it is expected that ITEK-1, ITEK-2 and ITEK-3 will contribute cross-cuttingly to addressing the threats.

Levels of the Threats: 

Threats to polar bears classified according to their likelihood of impacting the species during the lifetime of the CAP (2015-2025) are available online at Polar Bear Range States - Threats to Polar Bears (

Expected impact/ outcome of the ITEK workplan: 

ITEK- 1: Maintain a compendium and schedule of ITEK studies

The ITEK WG will maintain the Range States ITEK Compendium by compiling guidance on the use of Indigenous knowledge (IK) in decision-making (as well as best practices and research done related to ITEK), focusing specifically on wildlife management decision-making. The ITEK WG will maintain the Range States schedule of IK studies by compiling existing, in-progress and planned IK studies related to polar bears and polar bear habitat. Both documents are being updated in fall 2023 and planned to be published in winter 2024.  Both documents will also be updated in fall 2025.

ITEK-2: Complete a review and analysis to identify potential approaches to enhance implementation of Polar Bear Range States commitments to inclusion of Indigenous knowledge and participation of Indigenous peoples and provide recommendations

The ITEK Working Group will complete a review and analysis focused on identifying potential approaches to enhance the implementation of Polar Bear Range States commitments relating to the participation of Indigenous peoples and inclusion of IK in international polar bear conservation (e.g., statements made in the 1973 Agreement, the 2013 Ministerial Declaration, and the 2015 Circumpolar Action Plan). The review and analysis will consider the successes and challenges encountered to date by the Polar Bear Range States and informed by both the compendium of guidelines and schedule of studies. The ITEK WG will develop recommendations for the Head of Delegations related to enhancing the inclusion of Indigenous peoples and IK in implementing the CAP and 1973 Agreement. The recommendations may also consider planned future activities of the PBRS, if appropriate.

ITEK-3:  Prepare an ITEK knowledge synthesis on recent ITEK research.

The ITEK knowledge synthesis could take the form of an infographic or a series of infographics and could be shared on the Polar Bear Range States website. This will allow the HoDs and other CAP OTs and WGs to use what ITEK is available when undertaking their activities and actions. The knowledge synthesis may also help the HoDs identify gaps in ITEK of polar bears, which could in turn inform coordination and planning of research and monitoring.

How the progress toward the ITEK Objective will be evaluated

The finalization of the compendium, the creation of a draft report and the delivery of recommendations to the Head of Delegations, and knowledge synthesis will determine the progress towards achieving the goals of Inclusion of ITEK in the PBRS for the CAP 2023-2025 period.

Performance Metrics

  1. Completion and publication of the updated Compendium and schedule of ITEK studies.
  2. Provision of a draft report to the Heads of Delegation on the potential approaches to enhance implementation of Polar Bear Range States commitments to inclusion of Indigenous knowledge and participation of Indigenous peoples across all relevant objectives of the PBRS CAP 2023-2025 Implementation period. Provision of official recommendations to the Heads of Delegations on how to include Indigenous Peoples and IK in implementing the CAP and 1973 agreement.
  3. Publication of knowledge synthesis infographic or a series of infographics

Baseline of Performance Metrics

  1. A “Compendium of existing Guidelines for the Use of TEK in decision Making” was finalized and posted on the Range State website in 2018. The updated compendium and schedule of ITEK studies will be posted in winter 2023; and will be updated by the end of the 2023-2025 CAP implementation period.
  2. No baseline, drafting has not begun as of start of 2023-2025 CAP implementation period.
  3. No baseline, drafting has not begun as of start of 2023-2025 CAP implementation period.

Liaison with other CAP-Objectives

ITEK-1 through 3 will help enhance the consideration of IK across all CAP objectives.

Liaison with external bodies

(i.e. organizations, communities, stakeholders, expert groups, etc.)

The diversity of the membership on the ITEK WG will facilitate the liaison with a multitude of organizations, communities, stakeholder and expert groups across the Range States as needed in order to achieve ITEK-1, ITEK-2 and ITEK-3.

Expected dissemination of Deliverables and Outcome to stakeholders 

(public, policy makers, legislators etc.)

ITEK-1: Will be published online.

ITEK-2: Once finalized, may be published online.

ITEK-3: Once finalized, may be published online.

ITEK-1, ITEK-2 and ITEK-3 may be used by policy advisors to help inform policy decisions affecting polar bear management across the PBRS as applicable.

Potential Challenges and how they will be addressed (mitigation actions)  [1]

1 – There is a growing body of IK that is being shared. It may be challenging to keep an up-to-date compendium and schedule of studies.

Mitigation measures: ITEK WG can consider the compendium and schedule of studies an evergreen document and in conjunction develops a system to review & update the compendium on an annual basis.

2 – There is a variety of levels of engagement currently across the PBRS with regards to the inclusion of ITEK in polar bear issues.

Mitigation measures: Provide regular opportunities at Head of Delegation meetings for PBRS members to discuss their individual vs. collective successes and challenges in including ITEK in Polar Bear issues. Ensure engagement is inclusive of all voices.

3 – Accurate interpretation of knowledge may be a challenge.

Mitigation measures: Ensure study authors are engaged from start to finish in the creation of any product.

[1] The level of challenge is estimated by multiplying the level of likelihood (scale 1-5) by the negative impact it may have (scale 1-5). Minor: 1-10, Moderate: 11-15; Severe: 16-25.