ITEK-1 - Maintain a compendium and schedule of ITEK studies


Summary of the Action:

The Indigenous and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (ITEK) Working Group (WG) will maintain the Polar Bear Range States (PBRS) ITEK Compendium by compiling guidance on the use of Indigenous and Traditional Ecological knowledge (ITEK) in decision-making (as well as best practices and research done related to ITEK), focusing specifically on wildlife management decision-making. The ITEK WG will maintain the PBRS schedule of ITEK studies by compiling existing, in-progress and planned ITEK studies related to polar bears and polar bear habitat. Both documents were updated in fall 2023 and published in April 2024. Both documents will also be updated by fall 2025.

Action Lead: 

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(Environment and Climate Change Canada, )


The Polar Bear Range States and invited specialists of the ITEK Working Group (see here)


Duration of action:

November 2023 - October 2025

Deliverables/ output:

D1: 2024 Compendium and schedule of ITEK studies (publihsed in April 2024)

D2: 2025 Compendium and schedule of ITEK studies (publihsed in fall 2025)


Mechanism of completion:

A “Compendium of existing Guidelines for the Use of TEK in decision Making” was finalized and posted on the PBRS website in 2018. The updated compendium and schedule of ITEK studies was posted in April 2024; and will be updated by the end of the 2023-2025 Circumpolar Action Plan implementation period.


Member state contacts

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