Objective-7 Actions
RMV-A2 - Identification of existing and appropriate additional studies that could help monitor progress toward achieving the CAP vision (2020-2023)
Examine the following two actions, identify studies already conducted/published which address these questions, identify (in collaboration with the PBSG) any appropriate additional studies that could help monitor progress toward achieving the CAP vision:
a. Investigate how climate change effects vary among polar bear subpopulations on both temporal and spatial scales
b. Conduct a cumulative effects analysis of climate change and human activities on polar bear and their habitats.
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RMV-A1 - Investigate the feasibility of developing and implementing a long-term plan to monitor the Arctic Basin Subpopulation (2020-2023)
Investigate the feasibility of developing and implementing a long-term plan to monitor the Arctic Basin Subpopulation
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