6.1 Canada Management Report

Presentation Title: Polar Bear Conservation & Management in Canada: 2015-2017 Update
Summary: This presentation provides an overview of the management system for polar bear in Canada and an update on management initiatives that have taken place over the past two years (2015-2017), since the last Meeting of the Parties. Specifically, the presentation is broken down into seven sections, including an overview of federal, provincial/territorial, and Indigenous management responsibility in Canada, population monitoring using both scientific methodologies and Indigenous Traditional Knowledge, harvest management including information on recent harvest quotas and removals, human-polar bear conflict, economic development and tourism, Canada’s national Management Plan in accordance with the 2011 Species at Risk Act listing of Polar Bear as a species of Special Concern, and enforcement. The presentation concludes with information about Canada’s continued commitment to focus on effective management and conservation of polar bears, with a focus on key goals and priorities.

File Name: 6.1_Ladanowski_Canada_management_update.pdf
Category: Presentations and Meeting Documents
File Size: 1.38 MB
File Type: application/pdf
Hits: 3809 Hits
Created Date: 02-22-2018
Last Updated Date: 03-11-2025

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