10.4 Techniques for Mapping Denning Habitat

Presentation Title: Detecting Dens and Mapping Den Habitat in Alaska: Approaches and Limitations
Summary: In Alaska’s Beaufort Sea region, approximately 55% of all pregnant polar bears come ashore each autumn to construct dens in snow drifts. During winter, industrial activities in Alaska, such as seismic surveys and construction of ice roads and drill pads, are at their highest level. These activities coincide with the time when denning polar bears are giving birth or nurturing neonates and thus vulnerable to disturbances that may cause the abandonment of dens. Mitigating potential conflicts between human activities and denning bears may be reduced by avoiding habitats bears prefer. Locating dens and mapping terrestrial denning habitat is possible using a variety of methods. This presentation will describe some of those methods and their limitations.

File Name: 10.4_Atwood_Detecting_mapping_den_habitat_Alaska.pdf
Category: Presentations and Meeting Documents
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Hits: 3439 Hits
Created Date: 02-22-2018
Last Updated Date: 03-12-2025

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