10.1.3 Wildlife Deterrence Program - Nunavut

Presentation Title: Wildlife Deterrence Program, Government of Nunavut – Department of Environment
Summary: The Wildlife Deterrence Program helps mitigate human-wildlife conflict in Nunavut. Human-wildlife conflicts have negative social and economic impacts. Between 2000 and 2017, hundreds of defense of life or property kills occurred in Nunavut in order to protect people and their property. Wildlife patrols are primarily carried out by Conservation Officers, with support from the Hunters and Trappers Organization, Municipalities, and NGOs. Polar Bear Guard (PBG) training provides exposure to deterrence equipment and safe practices that can build capacity to mitigate human-wildlife conflict in communities and provide employment in the tourism and mining sectors. Experimental conflict mitigation measures discussed in the presentation include electric fencing, live traps and luring stations. The Wildlife Damage Compensation Program issues direct compensation to property owners whose property has been damaged by wildlife. The Wildlife Damage Prevention Program provides funding to individuals and non-profit organizations to take steps to prevent property damage by wildlife. Community-based bear-human conflict mitigation plans encourage key stakeholders within communities to collaborate and develop community specific mitigation efforts.

File Name: 10.1.3_Gissing_Wildlife_deterrence_program_Nunavut.pdf
Category: Presentations and Meeting Documents
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Hits: 3646 Hits
Created Date: 02-22-2018
Last Updated Date: 03-12-2025

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