Objective-6 Actions

  • T-1 - Review and Analysis of Canadian Trade in Polar Bears from 2012 - 2021 (2020-2023)



    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2020-2023)


    • Cecilia Lougheed (Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2020-2022)
    • Karrie Singer (Environment and Climate Change Canada, 2020-2022)
    • Dave Rippeto (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 2020-2022)
    • Ernie Cooper (E. Cooper Environment Consulting, 2020-2022)

    Greenland, Russia and Norway did not participate in the implementation of Action T-1 but followed the progress at the level of the Range States Heads of Delegation. 

    Summary of the Action:
    Canada is the only country that allows exports of polar bears for commercial purposes. To ensure the best available information is being used to inform decisions made by Canada’s CITES Scientific and Management Authorities, Canada commissioned a review and analysis of its polar bear harvest and trade from 2012 to 2021.

    Duration of action: 2020-2022

    Deliverables (output)
    D1: Interim draft of trade report for the period of 2012 – 2021 was completed in March 2022. Funding Was provided by Canada. The draft report underwent review by ECCC colleagues and domestic co-management partners in April and May 2022. The Polar Bear Range States were offered the opportunity to review the draft document in May and June 2022.

    D2: Final version of trade report for the period of


Member state contacts

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