HBCIS-2 Bear deterrent training protocols (2020-2023)

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Make available on the RS website Bear deterrent training protocols from the U.S., Canada, and Norway


Summary of the Action:
This action will create a document containing an annotated list of polar bear deterrents programs and training protocols currently in use across the polar bear range states.  For each program/protocol, a short summary will be provided about the program, its history, and the number of people trained.  Where applicable, information about how to contact the proponents and arrange for a training session will be provided.

Action Lead:
Sam Iverson (Environment and Climate Change Canada, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Karen Lone (Norway)
Craig Perham (United States)
Additional subgroup members may be added later

Duration of action:

Deliverables (output):

  • D1. A document containing an annotated list of polar bear deterrents programs and training protocols currently in use across the polar bear range states. For each program/protocol, a short summary will be provided about the program, its history, and the number of people trained. Where applicable, information about how to contact the proponents and arrange for a training session will be provided

Impact (outcome):
The action will serve as a resource for individuals and organizations seeking to implement polar bear deterrence programs in their area.

The finished products / documents will be posted to the Range States website and available for Range States representatives and other CWG members to bring to stakeholders and otherwise use. Specific guidelines will also be communicated specifically to user groups as needed – for example to industry partners, researchers or northern communities. instance for tourism the umbrella organization AECO.

Member state contacts

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