Human - Polar Bear Conflict Data

Sign v2Data on human-polar bear conflict has been published on the Polar Bear Range States website. The data icludes information on both polar bears and humans injured or killed in conflict situations:


Polar Bears injured or killed in conflict situations:
The Polar Bear Range States have published the numbers of polar bears killed or injured due to conflicts with humans in 2020. The data from 2020 was collected in a consistent way among the Range States and will set the baseline metrics for future monitoring.

For more information see here

Humans injured or killed by polar bears:
The Polar Bear Range States have published data on the numbers of humans killed or injured by polar bears in 2006-2020. The baseline metrics were establised using the data from 2006-2015 to represent the decade prior to establishment of the Circumpolar Action Plan (CAP).

For more information see here

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