HBC-A7 Develop polar bear safety messages (2020-2023)

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Develop, and post to the RS website, core polar bear safety messages for a general audience and more detailed guidelines for specific user groups (e.g., industry, guide-led tourist groups, hunting/subsistence camps, researchers) as needed


Summary of the Action:
Develop, and post to the RS website, core polar bear safety messages for a general audience and more detailed guidelines for specific user groups (e.g., industry, guide-led tourist groups, hunting/subsistence camps, researchers) as needed.  One such product is tourism-operator guidelines to be published on the RS website and shared with The Association of Arctic Expedition Cruise Operators (AECO) etc.

Action Lead:
Karen Lone (Norwegian Environment Agency, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. )


Tom Smith (US)
Geoff York (PBI)
Sam Iverson (Canada)
Dick Schideler (US)
Martyn Obbard


Duration of action:

Deliverables (output):

  • D1. A document containing core safety messages and how they can be communicated to a general audience
  • D2. Safety messages guidelines for tourism-operators
  • D3. Safety messages guidelines for industry
  • D4. Safety messages guidelines for independent traveler
  • D5. Other tailored guidelines for specific user groupsA document containing core safety messages and how they can be communicated to a general audience.

Impact (outcome):
The action will ideally change people's behavior in a way that leads to fewer and less severe conflict situations or negative outcomes from conflict situations.

The finished products / documents will be posted to the Range States website and available for Range States representatives and other CWG members to bring to stakeholders and otherwise use. Specific guidelines will also be communicated specifically to user groups in question – for instance for tourism the umbrella organization AECO.

Member state contacts

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