HBC-A1 PBHIMS on Range State web (2020-2023)

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Make available to all Range States the Polar Bear Human Information Management System (PBHIMS); use SMART where possible

Summary of the Action:

There is a need to systematically collect data on interactions between polar bears and humans. This will enable a data-based assessment of bear-human interactions and aid a scientific framework for preventing negative bear-human interactions in the future. This action helps to make the PBHIMS data collection framework available to stakeholders and authorities within the Range States. The software SMART is a complete data management system, that will be tailored and adapted to the needs of the various users/data collectors. The work involves tailoring and testing the system in pilot sites, and, in the jurisdictions that want it, implementing it more broadly or as a formal reporting tool.

Action Leads: 
Karen Lone (Norwegian Environment Agency, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
Sybille Klenzendorf (WWWF-Arctic, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Sub-group members (some in the capacity as contact persons for pilot testing): 

Karen Lone (Norway)
Jesper Ødegård Jacobsen (Greenland)
Sam Iverson (Canada)
Geoff York (PBI, in Churchill)
Alexander Gruzdev (Wrangel Island Reserve)
Eric Regehr (University of Washington, USA) (additional contact person for Wrangel)

Duration of action:

Deliverables (output):

  • PBHIMS definitions for an ‘incident’ refined and agreed by CWG
  • Smart Mobile Data collection interface adapted for each jurisdiction/ interested stakeholder
  • Standardized PBHIMS-SMART data reporting to fulfill HBC 3-5
  • SMART Connect Database for Data storage and analysis for each interested jurisdiction/ interested stakeholder
  • Trained Personnel in each range state (Training of Trainers)


Impact (outcome):
From the original PBHIMS user guide, that was approved by the Range States to contribute to CAP Goal 5:

‘To reduce lethal takes of bears, and to protect people in polar bear country by systematic data collection in a Polar Bear-Human Information Management System (PBHIMS).  This system enables a data-based assessment of bear-human interactions and provides a scientific framework for preventing negative bear-human interactions in the future. ‘

Increase PBHIMS data collection and reporting in all Range States by fulfilling previously identified requirements:

  • Development of access – restricted databases for each jurisdiction/ interested stakeholders
  • Automated, standardized reporting templates
  • Easier record submission (e.g. web, smartphones, etc.)
  • Enhancement of spatial data processing functionality
  • Multi-language capabilities, specifically a Russian version
  • Expansion of PBHIMS user groups

Outcome:  Range-wide, standardized human-bear conflict data, that delivers towards HBC 3-5 and provides additional data to HBC-A7 and HBCIS 1,3, and 4.

Each SMART interface and database setup will be provided to the respective jurisdiction.  A general SMART PBHIMS database and data collection format can be made available on the range states website, the SMART partnership website and/or the Google Playstore if additional jurisdictions or partner (such as communities, industry, tourism) would like to use the same format to collect data and provide it to a range wide data collection effort.

Member state contacts

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