CCC-A5 - Communications Partnerships (2020-2023)

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Enter into climate change communications partnerships with organizations that have targeted audiences and strong public reach

Summary of the Action: 
Through Action CCC-A2, collaborative partnerships will be created that the Range States will seek to continue beyond the lifespan of the Climate Change Communication Working Group, and the Range States will propose a framework to allow such partnerships to stay active and productive. Partnerships with other organizations will help ensure proper context and broad outreach and uptake of communications messages.

Action Lead: 
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Norwegian Environment Agency)

Polar Bear Range States Participants:

  • Lauren Schmuck (Environment and Climate Change Canada)
  • Lindsey Mangipane (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, member)
  • Jesper Ødegård Jacobsen (Greenland Ministry of Fisheries, Hunting and Agriculture)
  • Karen Lone (Norwegian Environment Agency)
  • Stanislav Belikov (Russia)
  • Angelina Gnedenko (Russia)
  • Droplaug Ólafsdóttir (Polar Bear Agreement, Project Officer)

Duration of action:

Deliverables (output):

  • D1. Partner organizations will have provided input on how best to convey the messages developed by Range States and PBSG through the work of the CCCWG.

  • D2. The partner organizations on the CCCWG will have shared the communications products that were developed through CCC- A2 with the audiences which they have access to.

  • D3. Partner organizations will identify strategic communication opportunities for future communication opportunities (CCC-A3).

Impact (outcome):
Partnerships formed through this action will help lay the groundwork for successfully completing all other actions under Objective 2. The vision of that CAP is "to secure the long-term persistence of polar bears in the wild that represents the genetic, behavioral, life-history, and ecological diversity of the species." The CAP also identifies climate change and the associated reductions in the extent and composition of sea ice to be the greatest threat to polar bear persistence. Therefore, work to communicate to the public, policy makers, and legislators around the world the importance of mitigating GHG emissions to polar bear conservation would provide a substantial contribution toward achieving the vision of the cap.

Partners will use their existing communication networks to disseminate messages developed through CCC-A2 to the public and policy makers around the world.

Member state contacts

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